Eucaristias - 107 ao 110

Estes desenhos foram realizados durante as missas de 25 de Dezembro de 2012 e 1 de Janeiro de 2013 na igreja da Penina em Portimão, já não via a igreja tão vazia durante as Eucaristias de Natal e ano novo  alguns anos!

These drawings were made ​​during Masses of December 25, 2012 and January 1, 2013 in the church of Penina Portimao, I had not seen the church so empty during the Eucharists of Christmas and New Year a few years ago!

A lady
- Reading of the Apostle St. Paulo...

Church choir
- If you love one another, God abides in you!
- Jesus, Jesus, ...

- 2012/ 2013 year of faith
- The peace that Jesus Christ proposes us, peace is not any ...

- Penina church 

-Salute You in the peace of Christ

-The peace of Christ ...

-St. Andrew?
A Lady
-Yes is the patron of this church
-Go in peace and the Lord be with you
